Links, Codes, Superfiliate

Optimizing Referral Links and Promo Codes for Influencers

As an influencer marketer, you have a lot of tools at your disposal to grow your program and drive conversions. The most powerful? Referral links and promo codes.

Links and codes are ubiquitous throughout word-of-mouth programs—from loyalty to affiliate—and not always for the right reasons. But when managed strategically, links and codes will form the backbone of your influencer campaigns, helping to drive traffic, conversions, and revenue while also tracking attribution.

“Having all of the links and codes, everything in one place has been a game changer as far as attribution goes.”

Danielle Murphy, Influencer and Partnerships Manager at Mudwater.

In this chapter of the Field Guide, we’re exploring effective link and code usage and how you can maximize them to not only to streamline program management, but also create more shareworthy experiences for your creators and customers.

Why are referral links and promo codes important in influencer marketing?

Links and codes are the essential architecture of any successful influencer program. At the most basic level, they make it easy for consumers to act on an influencer’s recommendation (links) and provide a memorable offer to encourage purchases (codes).

Although referral links and codes are most often associated with affiliate programs, they have a place in every type of creator partnership. As Lauren explains:

“We give every single one of our partners—our customer affiliates, ambassadors, the commission, our flat rate partners—we give them all a link and a code. It is offering a specific discount that their followers can go and use. The link automatically applies the discount code.”

Lauren Maxwell, Director of Influencer Marketing at Dreamland Baby.

By assigning unique links or codes to every creator you partner with, you can unlock all kinds of performance metrics, like:

  • The amount of traffic driven
  • The conversion rate
  • Revenue generated
  • Number of customers acquired

Based on this data, you can take a variety of actions to keep refining your program. This includes rewarding high-performing influencers, moving them to higher program tiers, and adjusting code offers based on uptake.

”What you want is content where people can link, because that linking is what's going tobring the metrics and bring the ability for you to review that data and make proper optimizations.”

Bren Daniel, Associate Director of Partnerships at Caraway.

In sum, links and codes are influencer marketing 101. Without them, you're flying blind and unable to measure your program's success or reward your top performers!

Now, let’s break down some link and code best practices in more detail:

Don’t give creators a link to share; give them an experience

So, what are the best practices for managing referral links in influencer programs? Referral links have clear navigational value in influencer campaigns. Whenever you’re providing a promo code, you want to make it seamless for an influencer’s followers to get to where the magic happens—in other words, where people can activate that offer and make purchases.

This makes link placement within influencer content a really important consideration. For example, you want to make sure that creators are using Stickers in Instagram Stories to add links and codes properly. Likewise on YouTube, links need to be positioned above the fold in the description box, or viewers will miss your offer.

But referral links are also THE most underutilized architecture in influencer programs. It’s easy to provide customers and creators with a simple, trackable link to your website. However, you’re missing out on the opportunity to leverage the relationship between the creator and their audience.

If a consumer is compelled to check out your brand due to social proof from a creator they trust, how does it make sense to remove that creator from the shopping journey?

Shoppable landing pages that you can customize with a creator’s UGC, testimonials, and favorite products transform referral links from a transaction to a genuinely shareworthy experience. As Kendall explains, leveraging Superfiliate’s cobranded landing pages has helped Graza to offer customers a more intuitive shopping journey, rather than just sending them to a generic ‘shop all’ page:

“If a customer goes on there and they see Adam's main review, or how he likes to use the product or his favorite selections, it's so much easier to shop all of the products, especially if you're a brand that has hero products and is slowly scaling SKUs and can upsell.”

Kendall Dickieson, Head of Social and Influencer at Graza.

Best of all, providing creators with a unique page increases the likelihood of them actually sharing that link. Providing creators with a memorable AND user-friendly shopping experience to share with their community deepens that sense of partnership with your brand, making it easier to retain those creators over the long term.

💡 With Superfiliate, you can build cobranded landing pages at scale for more than just a handful of your top creators. Empower every member of your affiliate or referral program with their very own microsite to drive higher conversions!

Remember: The influencer is the deciding factor in their followers choosing to make a purchase—not your brand. When someone clicks on your link from an influencer’s Story or TikTok video, you want that influencer to stay front and center in the shopping journey.

The anatomy of a great referral offer in influencer marketing

Promotional codes help to cut through the noise on social platforms and give audiences a solid incentive to check out your brand. Crafting a unique, enticing offer for influencers to present to their followers is the best way to start off that relationship on a positive note.

Let’s be real: Just giving creators a referral link and expecting them to do all the work in selling your product and driving traffic is not realistic, especially in affiliate relationships. As Lydia notes:

“You always have to have a pretty great offer for creators to promote on their pages to their audience. Otherwise, what value are you adding? If you were to like just send influencers out in the world with no discount code, it wouldn't really work.”

Lydia Lee, Chief Executive Officer at For The Clout.

So, what is the key to creating promo codes that are attractive to followers AND drive profitability for brands?

Don’t sacrifice margin where you don’t need to

A referral code offer should be compelling enough to convert an influencer's audience—but not so generous that it eats up your margin and you end up securing conversions at a loss.

This means you need to be selective about who is able to redeem influencer codes. As Lydia explains, enabling codes only for new customers means you aren’t offering discounts to followers who already support your brand—and who would happily make purchases without an incentive:

“If you're paying commission to your affiliate, you're paying a discount to your consumer, right? That's in most cases a huge chunk, if not all of your contribution margin. You can't afford to do that on multiple purchases from the same person.”

Lydia Lee, Chief Executive Officer at For The Clout.
Avoid undercutting creators

Any discounts you’re offering via referral codes need to align with your overall promotional strategy. In other words: Don’t disadvantage creators by offering larger discounts elsewhere on your website or social channels!

“If you have a welcome code for 15% on your website, but you're giving your influencers 10% to share with our audience, it's really hard for them to convert on their end, instead of followers just going around it to the website and signing up for SMS or email.”

Sarah Crow, Head of Creator Success at Superfiliate.

Undercutting creators is only going to cause frustration for influencers and undermine partnerships, especially affiliate arrangements that are commission-only. If your goal to increase engagement and conversions in certain communities, your discounts need to be much more compelling than those for general website visitors i.e. signing up to a mailing list.

Actively combat code leakage

Code misuse via discount sites or sharing outside of an influencer’s channels is a common problem when running influencer programs. Influencer marketers need to be vigilant and set clear expectations with creators over how and where codes are to be used, as Lauren does for creators partnering with Dreamland Baby:

“I give them 100 % on their persistence, but we ask them not to go into our specific Facebook group and start putting their code everywhere. We ask them not to comment on our Instagram posts with their codes and their links. It's just not fair to other partners or ambassadors. So we just ask that they keep all their codes and links on their personal social.”

Lauren Maxwell, Director of Influencer Marketing at Dreamland Baby.

Communication is always key here. If a code ever does leak onto a discount site, take action promptly to cancel that code and generate a new one for the influencer and explain that their old code is no longer active. Policies over where codes can be shared should ALWAYS be communicated with creators when they join, to avoid any friction between program members.

💡 Brands using Superfiliate have the option to enable "one-time use codes" to avoid any code leakage across any discount sites. Creators only need to share their referral link, and the discount will be automatically applied at the checkout.

Managing creators effectively when using links and codes

We get it: Saying “share your link and code!” over and over again is repetitive and boring for an influencer manager.

But unless you’re paying an influencer upfront, program management is effectively being done by the creator for free. You need to make it as easy as possible for them to maximize link and code usage, while not putting extra work on their plate.

This starts with in-depth education for new members about your program architecture and how they can be most effective in earning commission or getting upgraded to new program tiers. As Molly explains, good communication and getting creators excited about your program is key:

“For getting everybody stoked about Superfiliate’s landing pages, I made a presentation and a Loom walking everybody through exactly what to do and how easy and exciting it is. That was so easy for them to understand.”

Molly Cole, Influencer Marketing Strategist + Partnerships at Epic Gardening.

When the time is right, bring in the right tech to support

Ensuring that your creators are properly set up with their link and code can get overwhelming as your program grows, especially when you’re a small team or solo influencer marketer.

This is a good problem to have. But when there’s more influencers to onboard and maintain relationships with, you need the right tools the handle all of those workflows, whether that’s link and code management, sending bulk creator communications, or automating payouts to creators.

Superfiliate's Influencer Marketing Hub allows you to generate unique links and codes, create custom landing pages, track performance, and manage payouts—all from a single platform:

“I think Superfiliate does such a great job—there's just no dev work. There's nothing that I need to do on my end to scale it. Not only does it work as an influencer program, it’s technically also a referral and loyalty program, which then means I don't have to onboard anything else for that. It just it makes it just so much easier to get things done quick without relying on like a million internal people on my team, which I don't have.”

Liv Soibelman, Head of Ecommerce at Blueprint.

Mastering the use of links and codes in your influencer programs will give you a stable foundation for scaling your program and being able to drive (and track) meaningful results for your brand. However, real success comes from acting on the data that your links and codes provide you with; tracking the appropriate metrics, rewarding your top-performing creators, and tweaking promo offers will put you on track to building a more profitable program of engaged creators who love sharing stories about your brand.

With that in mind, let’s move into the metrics you should be tracking to build and refine your program!

What are the benefits of using cobranded landing pages for influencer campaigns?

Cobranded landing pages turn a referral link and code from a transaction into a memorable shopping experience for an influencer's followers. By customizing a page with an influencer's reviews, favorite products, and UGC, these pages feel like an influencer's curated storefront. It leverages the affinity that consumers have already built with that creator, building trust and driving conversions more successfully than sending people to your website.

How can I create effective promo codes for influencer campaigns?

A promo code offer needs to provide meaningful value to the influencer's followers in order for it to drive sales, so make sure it isn’t so steep that it eats up your profit margins. Check that an influencer’s offer isn’t being undercut by other promo offers that are easily accessible to site visitors, such as a welcome offer or discount for signing up to your mailing list. Generating unique codes and referral links for each influencer you partner with is a must for proper tracking and attribution.

How can I prevent promo code leakage in influencer marketing?

Promo code leakage is when codes spread beyond an influencer's audience to a discount site or across social media. You can configure your promo codes to only work for new customers, and limit them to one-time use only. This prevents the same people from abusing a code on multiple purchases. It’s important that you clearly communicate to your influencers where and how codes are to be used and any locations where posting codes is banned, such as to your company’s own socials. Always have a plan to address code leakage, like deactivating compromised codes and giving influencers a new one.